Thursday, 4 September 2014

Doomsday - A Prophetic Warning

The 2008 film Doomsday, about a Scotland walled-off from the rest of the world, is a prophetic pointer towards the forthcoming referendum, I believe.

In the film, Scotland is separated from the rest of the UK - and the world - by a high wall. The reason is that Scots have contracted what comes to be called the Reaper Virus. This virus turns people into savage animals and makes them mad before killing them.

The plot was partly inspired by the concept of the Roman walls separating north Britain and, interestingly, this featured in a couple of recent films as well.

A separated Scotland is the counterfeit destiny of the country.

In reference to the Hadrian and Antonine Walls, it was presumed for many years that these were built to keep the barbaric hosts of the north from going south. Some scholars believe in an alternate theory, however, based on the Romans known veneration of the British Isles as a holy place.

The concept of Ultima Thule - the end of the world - applied more and more as you travelled further north. In other words, to the Romans, the northern regions of the British Isles were so holy that they were not to be trod on by common people.

According to this line of thought, some believe that the walls the Romans built were constructed to keep people out of the north, leaving it sanctified and undefiled for a great divine purpose.

We see this in the ancient idea of Albion - the white island - white depicting holiness.

Although the origins of this concept have pre-Christian roots, the Celtic and Culdee saints certainly believed in it. 

We know that there are sacred sites and objects in Scotland. There is Mount Zion in the far north, where God will destroy the vail that is over all nations brought about by the so-called Scottish Enlightenment.

We also have the Stone of Destiny, the Rock that followed Israel in the wilderness and upon which Jacob dreamed of a heavenly portal.

So there is no doubt that Scotland is a holy place. The word holy simply means separated unto.

It was always the purpose of God for Scotland to be a separate land - separate unto Him, that is.

That is not the kind of separation that nationalists are clamouring for in this referendum.

Their separation is the counterfeit one.

They have contracted the Reaper Virus and it is turning them into wild animals.

We see this in God's Word.

My son, fear Jehovah and the king; and do not fellowship with those who are given to change; 

This is a clear scriptural warning to have nothing to do with those who want to change the form of government or way of life we live under. One aspect of this independence campaign is that many believe it is stealth republicanism. Scotland has lived under a kingdom form of governance for literally millenia. 

A Yes vote could change this to a form of government that is alien to Scotland.

The words "those who are given to change" here are sometimes translated as rebels. The Hebrew word is very interesting. And sobering.

It is the Hebrew word shanah and it means to duplicate but in a perverse or disguised way. It has the meaning to transmute i.e to make a mutant of the original!

The meaning is that a previously normal person of loyalty would change into a person not to be trusted.

In Daniel chapter 4, King Nebuchadnezzar was given a dream in which he saw himself changed from the king he was - a mighty man in charge of the world's then superpower - to a beast and animal. This lasted for seven years until Nebuchadnezzar understood that the Most High ruled in the kingdom of men.

In Daniel 4:16 the word "changed" is shna in Hebrew - to alter, change.

Let his heart be changed from that of a man, and let him be given the heart of a beast. And let seven times pass over him. 

It is interesting that many Christians who have said they intend to vote for Yes in this campaign have spoken about having given it much thought and research and study prior to making a decision.

What they haven't said much about is asking the Lord for His will in the matter. Whether it be an absolute dictatorship or a modern democracy, we must learn that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men.

His will is all that is important - not our politics, our ideas, our pet topics or our cultural leanings.

You might find it astonishing that a dear friend and brother of mine was labelled demonic for simply suggesting that people ask the Lord in prayer for guidance in how to vote.

I don't.

I have seen the effects of the Shannah Syndrome or the Reaper Virus in people.

Let us hope that we don't face seven years of living like wild animals virtually cut off from the rest of the world to learn the lesson that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men.

God's purpose for Scotland as the Land of Destiny is separation UNTO Him, not separation that will act as a political, cultural and geographic obstacle to His mighty work in Scotland - a work destined to flow unhindered from the far north.

The separation men are planning will indeed hinder this move.

We must not let the Doomsday scenario happen.

The Holy Island of Albion

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