Friday, 19 September 2014

The UK - A God Thing

So the people of Scotland have spoken and the Union prevails.

More importantly, the Lord has spoken for the Most High rules in the kingdom of men and He it is who has made one of two men and two houses.

Let no-one be in any doubt that the threat the Union faced was real; however, that threat would not have been dissolution of the Union but a time of great travail more than we could bear. All praise to YHWH for sparing us this option.

The disappointing thing is how many believers - and leaders - voted Yes for change, despite the clear warnings of scripture in the matter. I didn't see many saying they sought the Lord's mind on the referendum but you have to wonder would they have heard Him anyway?

Those who did pray on both sides of the vote prayed that God's will be done. Given the prayer was sincere, we can conclude it has been and so the Union is God's purpose for us. Those who are disappointed at the result must therefore accept they have not aligned themselves with this purpose but with a rebellious movement.

Harsh words but I am not called to mince them. The truth frees and liberates and it is time we heard it.

The cross of Christ unites. The blood of Christ unites. Preaching of this in the Protestant Reformation is what directly brought about the Union. By abandoning that Union we would be acquiescing to the forces of secularism. We must revive the Union by reviving our proclamation of a heavenly Kingdom.

The sad thing is that Christians bought into the lie that the referendum is about the voice and will of the people of Scotland. These are carnal concerns. Our focus must be the will and Word of God.

Another lie is that the choice is between self-rule or Westminster rule. The reality is that there are two kingdoms - the Kingdom of God and that of mammon. The people of God who voted for independence took their eyes off the ball in this regard, taking petty grievances about Westminster rule to heart instead of the mind of God. 

We must remember that the Lord is more concerned with injustice than we are. Staying in the Union and being an agent for transformation is far better than leaving in protest and rancour.

Scotland's destiny is in the Union and that Union is God-ordained and forged in covenant.

You may rail against it but you cannot abrogate it. It is wise to align yourself with this truth and be part of what God is doing.

God save the Queen and throw down all rebellion against His anointed monarchy.

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