Whatever the politics, Prime Minister David Cameron's veto of the new EU treaty is good for the nation spiritually. Scripture speaks of God's people making a covenant with death; sadly, this has an application in our present relationship with the European Union. We cannot ignore nor forget, either, that David Cameron's defiant stand in Brussels has been taken to protect the banks and financial system here in the UK. We are left wondering which part of Babylon it would be better or worse to succumb to - deeper bondage to EU Babylon or further servitude to the Babylonian banksters who pull the strings behind the scenes.
Yet for all that, the Prime Minister has made a good decision for our spiritual welfare. It is a good thing to focus the nation on the importance of sovereignty. Sovereignty, of course, is like liberty - it can only be truly realised in a national covenant with God. And a nation covenanted to Almighty God cannot afford to enter leagues and treaties with other nations, most particularly those who do not share our values. Let us not forget that the Davidic Throne is in our midst and the mandate for this Throne is to rule the nations, not be subservient to them. The pooled sovereignty of the EU is not a place of safety for Britain; it is a place of disobedience to the heavenly charter to rule the waves.
God's command to rule is not a licence to perpetrate tyranny; it is its very opposite. We must be humble as a people and as a nation. Our safest place is under the mighty hand of God. The awesome rights we have been given necessitate we take them soberly and responsibly. We are the servant nation, not the master race. Yet rule we must for it is the will of heaven.
I am not sure this is in the mind of our Prime Minister. But it is for the people of God to steer the ship and believe God in these matters. Those who know the Lord know that it is He that made us mighty and only He can be trusted to make us mightier yet.
God save the Queen.
Rule, Britannia!
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