It is vital to emphasise the vision of our ministry. We are not standing for what is but for what can and will be. The failings and excesses of the British Empire are well known, if increasingly exaggerated. We are not promulgating a blind adherence to the Queen.
Our ministry is to the Throne and nation. It is an Arthurian vision. It demands a great purging of the House of David, the one foretold in the book of the Prophet Zechariah. Its fulfillment necessitates having a king like David upon the British Throne - not a perfect man but a man who follows Yahweh with his whole heart. Such a king will judge always for the poor and this means he will crush the oppressor in society. Of course, this means he will destroy the debt economy that holds planet earth in bondage.
Our vision incorporates that of the Reverend John McPhee - the King (Jesus) within the king upon Britain's Throne, the human king being a channel for the King of Kings. This is the Key of David and it is the answer to earth's ills. Of course, the Throne of David is designed to be sat upon by King Jesus but this can be accomplished in history by the "King within the king" concept. It is meant to be.
There are those who say that our Royal House is compromised by the conspiracy against God and mankind. Some even claim the Royal family is a willing part of this conspiracy. That even ancient Judah had kings who were wicked there is no dispute. Our loyalty is to the Throne as God's instrument totally. Loyalty to those who sit upon it is necessarily limited. Cromwell, a loyal King's man, understood this. Ultimately. fealty to God first drove Cromwell to oppose a king who abused his role.
God's answer is the Throne of David. The institution is there; all it awaits is a worthy monarch to sit upon it. Britain needs a shepherd king. The world needs a true king. Kingdom is of God, democracy of man and satan. When you pray "Thy Kingdom come" understand that it is the Throne of David you are asking Yahweh to uphold and empower.
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