Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The Return Of The King

It is vital to emphasise the vision of our ministry. We are not standing for what is but for what can and will be. The failings and excesses of the British Empire are well known, if increasingly exaggerated. We are not promulgating a blind adherence to the Queen.

Our ministry is to the Throne and nation. It is an Arthurian vision. It demands a great purging of the House of David, the one foretold in the book of the Prophet Zechariah. Its fulfillment necessitates having a king like David upon the British Throne - not a perfect man but a man who follows Yahweh with his whole heart. Such a king will judge always for the poor and this means he will crush the oppressor in society. Of course, this means he will destroy the debt economy that holds planet earth in bondage.

Our vision incorporates that of the Reverend John McPhee - the King (Jesus) within the king upon Britain's Throne, the human king being a channel for the King of Kings. This is the Key of David and it is the answer to earth's ills. Of course, the Throne of David is designed to be sat upon by King Jesus but this can be accomplished in history by the "King within the king" concept. It is meant to be.

There are those who say that our Royal House is compromised by the conspiracy against God and mankind. Some even claim the Royal family is a willing part of this conspiracy. That even ancient Judah had kings who were wicked there is no dispute. Our loyalty is to the Throne as God's instrument totally. Loyalty to those who sit upon it is necessarily limited. Cromwell, a loyal King's man, understood this. Ultimately. fealty to God first drove Cromwell to oppose a king who abused his role.

God's answer is the Throne of David. The institution is there; all it awaits is a worthy monarch to sit upon it. Britain needs a shepherd king. The world needs a true king. Kingdom is of God, democracy of man and satan. When you pray "Thy Kingdom come" understand that it is the Throne of David you are asking Yahweh to uphold and empower.

May the Lord bring forth the shepherd king we all long for. Premillenials will interpret this as the Second Coming of Jesus. If they are right, then it's all glory. If God chooses to answer prayer by raising up one descended from David who will be utterly sold out to Him and, vitally, one determined to uphold the coronation oath he will take, then it is glory still.

Monday, 10 January 2011

How To Prosper Personally And Save The World

As Emrys I am called to teach and preach on The Matter Of Britain. My message is a national one, specifically to the peoples of Britain. The Bible is a national book in that, in both Old and New Testaments, it is addressed to the nation of Israel. My particular calling is to tell the indigenous peoples of the British Isles that they are descended from the biblical tribes of Israel. Isaiah 51:16 is the commissioning text for our church and ministry. Of course, some are not ready to hear that. We have two main "target" audiences - those who are Christians and those who are not. It is difficult for some Christians not necessarily to believe the message as to receive it and allow it to change them. Churchianity has strong conditioning but the truth will eventually penetrate even the most obstinate of programming. We are used to people showing interest then going all defensive as their churchianity kicks in. That's ok. It's tough finding out you don't know what you really need to.

I have been revisiting Isaiah chapter 51 recently in our meetings. The gist of the messages is that the answer to the recession we are presently being made to endure is that we are God's Israel people. Every problem in life is an identity problem for those who follow the Lord. That is, you mess up because you forget who you are. Nationally, this is the case with Britain. When the glorious outpouring of Pentecostal blessing first came to America and Europe at the turn of the 20th century, the wonderful truth of British Israel and the British Throne's descent from the Throne of David was widely taught and believed by multitudes. The early pioneers and founders of denominations in the UK like the Elim Movement and the Apostolic Church were all staunch proponents of our Israelite identity. Sadly, that truth has been obscured as the decades passed. See here for the story.

It has to be said that until this glorious truth is once more embraced by people in this nation, the awesome move of God people long for will not be manifest. This may enrage those who have their own ideas about revival but Yahweh is on the Throne and it is His purpose we must align ourselves with.

Anyway, I have been teaching in our meetings along these lines and trying to get across the powerful truth that to proclaim the truth of British Israel is to innoculate yourself from the effects of the recession. More than this, it is the truth of British Israel that will destroy the economy of Babylon and usher in the Kingdom of God economy. In essence, if you want to prosper personally and nationally, preach and teach that we are Israel.

I have testimony after testimony in my own life to the amazing effects of this. In the last few days I have been greatly blessed financially in my income and also seen a £4,000 debt miraculously cancelled! The reason is very simple: I am preaching this message more fervently than ever.

I am aware that some have an agenda for resisting and rejecting the truth of our national identity and destiny. As I said, churchianity is strong in its conditioning. But if you need to prosper financially, you may want to consider this very seriously. Only truth can align you to reality. And the reality is that we are blessed with all we ever will need already (Ephesians 1:3). Proclaiming the truth is what manifests these blessings.

This is so vital I am blogging it on my other blogs here and here.
If you want to receive CDs of my recent teaching on these matters, email me and request them. There will be no charge.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

An Urgent Message

Time and space do not permit me to go into great detail about the scientific background to this message but I would encourage my readers to “Google” and learn as much as they can, avoiding or sprinkling with a large dose of salt some of the wackier stuff out there.

The essence of the message is this: Many experts are predicting that, due to the Gulf Stream having been disrupted, there is a very real possibility that we may enter a mini ice age in Britain over the next few years. This “ice age” has varying prospective levels, from colder winters and shorter summers to “The Day After Tomorrow” scenarios with literally millions of people in danger of being buried under snowfalls of ten metres and more. Even the mildest option, of colder weather in general, would result in smaller harvests, something which would have a devastating effect on our economy.

The cause of the ruptured Gulf Stream is reckoned to be the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The 64 million dollar question which many are asking is: was this rupture of the sea bed in the Gulf of Mexico a horrendous accident or a heinous act of attempted genocide by sinister powers intent on destroying our nation? There is much speculation that weather weapons such as HAARP are being used on both “rogue states” and even countries in the UN.

Even the mainstream media are carrying stories of this nature. Please note that it doesn’t require massive drops in average temperature to bring about these conditions; most experts are predicting only a one degree drop in median temperature levels could decimate our islands and make them a wintry wilderness!

I am not one to predict doom and gloom. As someone who lives as a postmillennialist, I am given to incessant optimism! But it is extreme folly to ignore the possibility that, on the road to the future glories we will walk in here in the British Isles, we will encounter very real trials of an epic nature. The situation is very simple: if, as many experts are saying, the rupture of the Gulf Stream means a mini ice age looms for Britain, only the hand of God can preserve and save us from what is very possibly an extinction level event. And from the malevolence of those who engineered this weather attack, if it is the case that Deepwater Horizon was no accident.

The Gulf Stream is one of the remarkable evidences in creation of God’s ordaining these British Isles as the last days dwelling of His people. Its warm waters lave the shores of Britain and act as a buffer and temper of colder fronts which we could rightly expect to experience given our latitude on the planet. The Gulf Stream begins at the tip of Florida and travels up the east coast of America before crossing the Atlantic. It splits in two and it is the northern flow which comes to Britain. This is known as the North Atlantic Drift. The Gulf Stream is part of a delicate ecosystem and works in conjunction with other sea flows such as the ocean conveyor belt. Any tampering with this global system is bound to wreak havoc on our climate. The extremes in weather being experienced all around the world at this time are a result of such tampering. When man begins to tinker with the weather, the only possible result is a Frankenstein’s creature.

Over and over in Scripture Yahweh emphasises that He is the Creator and makes constant reference to His ruling the seas and heavens. Often this is in a prophetic context. Now we know why. It is incumbent upon every believer reading this message to seek the Lord over this very real threat to our way of life, if not our very existence. A mini ice age may destroy our dependence upon the luxuries of a technology-driven lifestyle, reducing us to a more basic and primitive way of life. It could be argued that this would not be a bad thing spiritually. But if the ice age is an act of genocide designed to depopulate our islands, this is an unspeakable evil which must be resisted.

I have had prophetic visions of an ice age since I was very young. I do not see this as necessarily the will of God being revealed as much as it being one of several possible futures we could experience. Our emphasis must not be on weather patterns or events; we are not to live lives defined by the atmospheric heavens but we are to live from and pray down that which is in the third heaven. Britain’s future will neither be shaped by satanic fury nor by man’s malevolence. It will be wrought by the declared purpose of God. Britain will be drenched with the glory of Yahweh. Albion will be revealed – the white island. This whiteness may, as it has recently, be symbolised in the natural by snow. However, the true whiteness of Albion is the holiness God has ordained for these isles and coastlands.

A Happy and Prosperous New Year to you.

Please “Google” to find a growing body of evidence that aberrant weather patterns globally indicate a possible coming ice age. Remember to “Google” responsibly – the internet is replete with flakes!

Please request a CD message I preached recently on this vital subject. Includes vital information on Leviathan, where it lives, and how the Gulf Stream protects us from its icy blast.

I am presently writing a book – Britain And The Hand Of God’s Power – which contains precious truth that will help God’s people overcome all satanic conspiracies to destroy Britain. Please request details.

Emrys website