Sunday, 24 June 2012

The Sad Tale Of An Unfriended Friend

No sooner had I finished my latest book God’s Key To Tomorrow - in which I mentioned the sometimes vicious opposition of Christians to The Key Of David revelation – than somebody who was a Facebook friend posted “Down with the monarchy” on his profile. The timing was more than coincidence, since I had not uploaded the ebook site to my own profile.

This poor soul is typical of those entrenched in a Sardis mentality – “loving” Jesus while rebelling against God’s anointed monarchy and spouting abuse to those of us to whom God has revealed The Key Of David. The humorous part was that this person claims that the British monarchy is in an unholy triumvirate of antichrist conspirators along with the Rothschilds and the Vatican, hellbent on ruling planet earth in defiance against the Lord Jesus. He is clearly aware of the conspiracy, then. The humorous thing is that he, along with commendable zeal in professing fealty to Jesus, also just as equally promotes his own communist political affiliation. Perhaps he is unaware of the Rothschilds’ well-documented role in creating communism and their alleged funding of Karl Marx himself?

The tragedy of this is that this deluded soul is typical of those who reject The Key Of David. Being short on intelligence and information cannot be balanced by excessive zeal. Many opponents of The Key Of David are fervent believers in Christ; however they all exhibit a closed-minded approach to things. They believe their zealousness will make them impervious to error when, in fact, it keeps them from truth. Sadly, they also resort to abusive comments, most of which are said behind your back.

The vehement hatred of those who are still stuck in a Sardis paradigm is a great grievance to those of us in Philadelphia. There is the strong desire to bless people with The Key Of David which motivates us, yes, but it is very difficult for those who have this Key to comprehend that some of the most fervent Christians we know will never receive it. Frankly, this continues to shock us that the Lord Himself is aware of it and has deemed it to be that way! Revelation 18:4 shows that God is well aware that some will choose to stay in Babylon, even while it is suffering plagues of divine judgment. Also, history shows us that many Christians lived their lives rejecting the latest truth to be revealed – healing, Pentecostal outpouring, Charismatic movement etc.

Some have a real terror, it seems, of being led into deception. This terror motivates them to be so “on guard” that they reject new revelation from the Holy Spirit. It is like an over-protective computer program that won’t allow the things you need and want in its determination to protect you from viruses and malware.

I thank God for mentors, including the Lord Himself, who taught me to be open to new truth and revelation. Acquiring data to feed head knowledge is not the same as revelation knowledge. Sadly, many believers are never taught to receive revelation knowledge; in fact, the very notion of it is often discouraged by some teachers. There are some things flesh and blood cannot reveal to you; they must come from the Father. Those who have truly received The Key Of David have done so by Holy Spirit revelation. Studying it won’t necessarily hurt but you need to hear this truth in the inner man.

Maybe one day we will be more relaxed about those who are hostile in their rejection of The Key Of David. I don’t think so, however. The Key itself is the inner witness of concern and compassion for those who are not yet walking in it. To be casually accepting of its absence in the lives of others is, perhaps, more worrying proof of its absence in ours. May it never be so.

My Facebook friend and I parted ways. I had to unfriend him as he got abusive about the monarchy. Proverbs 24:21 says we are not to be joined or fellowship with those who are like that. Sometimes all you can do is hit the unfriend button. 

God’s Key To Tomorrow can be read here

Monday, 4 June 2012

Jubilee Thoughts

It is important to emphasise that those of us who have The Key Of David revealed are not in any way promoting blind faith or fealty in the British Throne. We are not blind to the weaknesses and transgressions of those who sit upon this Throne. We are definitively not advocating any notion of a cult of worship of the monarchy. YHWH Himself says HE will make the House of David as God to the people in the last days. However, no serious spiritual person would interpret that as a right to receive worship due to the Lord alone.

It is important to mention this for several reasons.

Firstly, it is easy to get caught away in Jubilee euphoria. Celebrating 60 years of Elizabeth’s reign is fine. However, we must remember it is God’s judgement on a monarch which defines his/her reign. The dreadful words of 1 Kings 11:6 still shock when we read them. The very zenith of the Old Covenant was the coming to the Throne of a king whose own reign ended in such awful words.

Secondly, there are those who are spiritual babes who would misinterpret our zeal for The Key Of David to be a form of false worship at worst or inordinate emphasis at least.

And thirdly, there are those too clever to believe this but primed by malice to use it as an accusation against us.

There is, of course, what Isaiah termed the “crown of pride,” an inappropriate jingoistic patriotism that can breed racial superiority complexes and hatred of others. We must shun this false loyalty to the Throne.

You see, there are dangers lurking when you follow the path from Sardis to Philadelphia. Sardis will not give up its reign without a bitter fight. We cannot forget there can be no fellowship between those who have The Key Of David and those who do not. Nothing is more heartbreaking to those in Philadelphia but it is YHWH’s emphatic judgment on the matter. All we can do is invite those who will come to come, trusting in the Lord.

We start from what looks like a weak position. There is no Empire to boast of, no Victoria nor Victoriana to vaunt. Yet this seeming weakness is itself but proof of The Key Of David. Psalm 89 records in serious detail the humbling of the Davidic Throne in times of declension and backsliding. There is no doubt this is such a time. The glory has been stockpiled and only glimpses remain. Therefore The Key Of David must be received in faith.

We celebrate 60 years of our Queen’s Majesty. Yet we look toward the future. We do not accept man’s purpose for our monarchy but only God’s. If you have The Key Of David you know this future to be glorious, though at great cost. If you do not, your need of it is desperate.

Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
1 PETER 2:17