Monday, 10 September 2012

An Amazing Prophecy

I often refer to that grand old man John McPhee's prophecy that God will divide mankind by the Throne of David.

When I first read it it struck a chord in my spirit and I often wondered how it would come to pass.

It is doing exactly that right now.

All over the Land of Destiny people are discovering within themselves the true state of their hearts and their allegiance - either as the shannah who seek change or as those loyal to the Throne of David in the midst.

As John Mcphee was only too aware and as Jesus Himself warned, the divide would not be between those who professed His Lordship and those who didn't - it would be a deeper heart issue.

Even fervent believers are discovering in their own hearts their attachment to those given to change outweighs their inner man. Sadly, all too many have swallowed the deception that mistakes rebellion for freedom. To do this they must ignore or reject multiple scriptural warnings not to go the path they are determined to walk in.

Yet God has His hidden ones. For His own purpose, He has those loyal to the Throne of David and they are often the most surprising of people!

It is a bitterly divided land we live in but we have the promise of God that destruction and shame will be upon those who would destroy us as a nation. Furthermore, we believe that God will not only defeat those who oppose Him but destroy these enemies by making them friends - i.e. revival will burn up even the shannah in its glorious path and make them His jewels.

I am often reminded by the Lord that it has to be this way, that men may see for themselves what is in their own hearts. The purpose of it all is central to the Church of Philadelphia - that men would know the Name. God wants to put His Name on this nation and He knows the path we must take toward this.

We often refer to the Key Of David. This Key is the very thing that is dividing mankind just now. Its presence is creating the separation of sheep and goats around the Throne.

When the Stone came back to the Land of Destiny some years ago, I knew it was for this end - that which we are experiencing now is the ripple effect of its presence.

God must divide the loyal from the shannah. That is His plan and purpose.

Each man, woman and child must make their choice.

The Throne of David or the beast system of Babylon.

John McPhee's prophetic word is coming to pass.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

The Sad Tale Of An Unfriended Friend

No sooner had I finished my latest book God’s Key To Tomorrow - in which I mentioned the sometimes vicious opposition of Christians to The Key Of David revelation – than somebody who was a Facebook friend posted “Down with the monarchy” on his profile. The timing was more than coincidence, since I had not uploaded the ebook site to my own profile.

This poor soul is typical of those entrenched in a Sardis mentality – “loving” Jesus while rebelling against God’s anointed monarchy and spouting abuse to those of us to whom God has revealed The Key Of David. The humorous part was that this person claims that the British monarchy is in an unholy triumvirate of antichrist conspirators along with the Rothschilds and the Vatican, hellbent on ruling planet earth in defiance against the Lord Jesus. He is clearly aware of the conspiracy, then. The humorous thing is that he, along with commendable zeal in professing fealty to Jesus, also just as equally promotes his own communist political affiliation. Perhaps he is unaware of the Rothschilds’ well-documented role in creating communism and their alleged funding of Karl Marx himself?

The tragedy of this is that this deluded soul is typical of those who reject The Key Of David. Being short on intelligence and information cannot be balanced by excessive zeal. Many opponents of The Key Of David are fervent believers in Christ; however they all exhibit a closed-minded approach to things. They believe their zealousness will make them impervious to error when, in fact, it keeps them from truth. Sadly, they also resort to abusive comments, most of which are said behind your back.

The vehement hatred of those who are still stuck in a Sardis paradigm is a great grievance to those of us in Philadelphia. There is the strong desire to bless people with The Key Of David which motivates us, yes, but it is very difficult for those who have this Key to comprehend that some of the most fervent Christians we know will never receive it. Frankly, this continues to shock us that the Lord Himself is aware of it and has deemed it to be that way! Revelation 18:4 shows that God is well aware that some will choose to stay in Babylon, even while it is suffering plagues of divine judgment. Also, history shows us that many Christians lived their lives rejecting the latest truth to be revealed – healing, Pentecostal outpouring, Charismatic movement etc.

Some have a real terror, it seems, of being led into deception. This terror motivates them to be so “on guard” that they reject new revelation from the Holy Spirit. It is like an over-protective computer program that won’t allow the things you need and want in its determination to protect you from viruses and malware.

I thank God for mentors, including the Lord Himself, who taught me to be open to new truth and revelation. Acquiring data to feed head knowledge is not the same as revelation knowledge. Sadly, many believers are never taught to receive revelation knowledge; in fact, the very notion of it is often discouraged by some teachers. There are some things flesh and blood cannot reveal to you; they must come from the Father. Those who have truly received The Key Of David have done so by Holy Spirit revelation. Studying it won’t necessarily hurt but you need to hear this truth in the inner man.

Maybe one day we will be more relaxed about those who are hostile in their rejection of The Key Of David. I don’t think so, however. The Key itself is the inner witness of concern and compassion for those who are not yet walking in it. To be casually accepting of its absence in the lives of others is, perhaps, more worrying proof of its absence in ours. May it never be so.

My Facebook friend and I parted ways. I had to unfriend him as he got abusive about the monarchy. Proverbs 24:21 says we are not to be joined or fellowship with those who are like that. Sometimes all you can do is hit the unfriend button. 

God’s Key To Tomorrow can be read here

Monday, 4 June 2012

Jubilee Thoughts

It is important to emphasise that those of us who have The Key Of David revealed are not in any way promoting blind faith or fealty in the British Throne. We are not blind to the weaknesses and transgressions of those who sit upon this Throne. We are definitively not advocating any notion of a cult of worship of the monarchy. YHWH Himself says HE will make the House of David as God to the people in the last days. However, no serious spiritual person would interpret that as a right to receive worship due to the Lord alone.

It is important to mention this for several reasons.

Firstly, it is easy to get caught away in Jubilee euphoria. Celebrating 60 years of Elizabeth’s reign is fine. However, we must remember it is God’s judgement on a monarch which defines his/her reign. The dreadful words of 1 Kings 11:6 still shock when we read them. The very zenith of the Old Covenant was the coming to the Throne of a king whose own reign ended in such awful words.

Secondly, there are those who are spiritual babes who would misinterpret our zeal for The Key Of David to be a form of false worship at worst or inordinate emphasis at least.

And thirdly, there are those too clever to believe this but primed by malice to use it as an accusation against us.

There is, of course, what Isaiah termed the “crown of pride,” an inappropriate jingoistic patriotism that can breed racial superiority complexes and hatred of others. We must shun this false loyalty to the Throne.

You see, there are dangers lurking when you follow the path from Sardis to Philadelphia. Sardis will not give up its reign without a bitter fight. We cannot forget there can be no fellowship between those who have The Key Of David and those who do not. Nothing is more heartbreaking to those in Philadelphia but it is YHWH’s emphatic judgment on the matter. All we can do is invite those who will come to come, trusting in the Lord.

We start from what looks like a weak position. There is no Empire to boast of, no Victoria nor Victoriana to vaunt. Yet this seeming weakness is itself but proof of The Key Of David. Psalm 89 records in serious detail the humbling of the Davidic Throne in times of declension and backsliding. There is no doubt this is such a time. The glory has been stockpiled and only glimpses remain. Therefore The Key Of David must be received in faith.

We celebrate 60 years of our Queen’s Majesty. Yet we look toward the future. We do not accept man’s purpose for our monarchy but only God’s. If you have The Key Of David you know this future to be glorious, though at great cost. If you do not, your need of it is desperate.

Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
1 PETER 2:17

Friday, 30 March 2012

The Indefatigable George

George Galloway’s victory in the Bradford by-election is a wake-up call for both political parties and the people of Britain.

There has been an instant backlash from patriotic Britons, who believe Gallous George to be a traitor to the nation.

However, while Mr Galloway can be a very irritating person and also one prone to spectacular errors in judgment, he also has an annoying habit of being right.

His opposition to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, coupled with his stinging blasts against innocent lives being lost in pursuance of these wars, makes uncomfortable hearing. But he is not wrong.

The fact is, our government is engaging in military campaigns in these areas that are not defensible from any standpoint. British lives are being lost as well as the ever-mounting toll of innocents who live in these war-ravaged lands.

That is not to even mention the atrocities carried out by both British and American military over the last decade in these campaigns.

Many patriots are actually calling for the same thing as George Galloway, which is to end these pointless wars and get our troops home. His exuberance in using things which many find to be unpalatable ought not deflect from the fact he is right to castigate our political leaders for sending our servicemen and women there in the first place.

People are also making a big deal of Mr Galloway’s backing from the Asian community. Are they suggesting that this community should not have an opinion or the right to voice it in the “mother of democracies”? Those who know me know I am not making a case for democracy. It’s just a curious observation of mine that those who do champion democracy are often happy to deny its vaunted freedoms and privileges to those they disagree with.

Those who are happy to Muslim-bash should remind themselves that they most likely voted for a party which flooded our borders with these people in the first place. The Muslim in our midst is a self-created problem. If it is one.

At the risk of offending some, I will state again my position. The Muslim is not our enemy. He is our ally against our true enemy.

A far more potent enemy to Britain’s interests is not the devout faith of the Islamist, it is the infidelity of so-called Christians. You cannot claim the land to be Christian if you, yourself, are not.

Because then, in a Christian nation, you would be the alien.

George Galloway knows this, as do Muslims. What they despise and rail against – and rightly so - is the hypocrisy of those who profess a faith they do not practise. Sadly, the Muslims in our midst have a higher standard of Christianity than we have. 

On that matter, they agree with the Lord of hosts.

Please request my ebook "The Conspiracy Against Muslims"

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

The Crown Of Pride

The 28th chapter of Isaiah refers to the crown of pride and the drunkards of Ephraim. Apt words, indeed, as we ponder recent goings-on in our nation.

We are perhaps living in the most desperate times in many a long year in Ephraim-Britain. Thanks to our Babylonian politicians, we may soon be joining in the much-trumpeted World War Three, which is part of the desperate attempt of the hidden hand to mold a new world order outwith the God-ordained authority of the Throne of David. We are by a death covenant bound to the failing Babylonian project of the European Union. As if this was not bad enough, our God-created Union stands imperilled by traitorous forces from within.

Here in Scotland,  a potent figurehead of loyalism to crown and nation – Glasgow Rangers Football Club – finds itself dangerously close to extinction. Everywhere you look the United Kingdom faces danger both by external and internal foes. History tells us that such dangers tend to bring out the bulldog fighting spirit in we Brits. However, that is part of, if not all of the problem.

Isaiah’s reference to the crown of pride speaks of a jingoistic patriotism, a shallow waving of the flag and dowsing ourselves in national pride. “We are The People” is the battle cry of defiant Rangers supporters throughout the years. It, along with “No Surrender!” signals the refusal of Rangers’ traditionally loyalist fans to bow down and admit defeat to enemies, as well as affirming their chosen status as God’s people.

Such cries should be expected to come from the mouths of God’s people. Telling others you are the Lord’s is testimony and testimony is an awesome weapon in our spiritual arsenal.

The problem is not what is being said. It is who is saying it. To invoke the Name of God  when you are not actually His is to invite judgment. You see, God does not let people casually take His Name in vain. To call yourself a Protestant means that God expects you to live like one. Being a Protestant does not mean you wear Rangers tops, know the words of “The Sash” and speak words of hate to Roman Catholics. God doesn’t recognise tribal Protestants, only Bible ones.

Rangers fans are about to find this out. But it is not just Rangers fans whose loyalty to the Throne is but a “crown of pride.” Anyone whose patriotism is not rooted in a deep faith and relationship with God through Jesus Christ is just a jingoistic nationalist. The truly patriotic man or woman is patriotic to the purpose of God for their nation.

This is much more so in the case of our United Kingdom, given that we are descended from the Israelites of old and that the Throne of David is perpetuated in our royal family and monarchy. We are God’s Israel nation in the earth today. Sadly, for many so-called loyalists, their god is alcohol. They are, indeed, the bevy merchants of Ephraim. Take their faith and their Bibles from them but don’t you dare take their lager or ale.

There is a great shaking going on. YHWH is breaking our idols from us. It has to be said that one of the biggest idols in the UK is Glasgow Rangers FC. People who should be worshipping the Lord instead worship a football team. This has happened throughout our history. Our forefathers worshipped monuments rather than the Lord Himself. We are prone to worship anything which reflects glory rather than the One who emanates it.

No-one is more for the Throne than me. I am Emrys! But it is obnoxious to me when I see the crown of pride – that arrogant vaunting of our monarchy – in the lips of those who know not the Lord who ordained it. I speak of those who invoke God’s Name to save our queen yet they are not God’s. You cannot support the monarchy truly unless you honour He who instituted it.

Isaiah 28 also speaks of the fading flower. This speaks of the lily. The orange lily is the flower of that most loyal of loyal orders, the Orange Lodge. Yet this organisation is a toothless tiger, peopled by those who love drink more than they love the things of God. It doesn’t stop them singing songs of shallow patriotism, though. They truly are the drunkards of Ephraim, with their fading flower of the Orange Lily, just as the Rangers fans sing of their blue bluebells.

“It’s only football,” some would say. If you believe that, you need to really spend serious time in God’s Presence. Football reflects the society we live in. Football is part of our culture of idolatry. God is destroying every excuse people have to not worship Him. His policy is to begin such things in His own house, with His own people. Jingoistic triumphalism won’t cut it anymore. That is the lesson to be learned.

You should support Queen and country and you should support Rangers. It is God’s team. But God will bring all of these things low if people put them before Him. After He has done this, He will destroy all those things which oppose Him. It’s just that judgment must begin in His own house. We might not like it but chastening is not meant to be pleasurable. Just learn the lesson fast.

If you make an idol of even the most sacred of things, you are an idolater. Renounce this and set the nation free. Accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ because the only true patriot is one who declares Jesus is Lord and the only true Protestant (i.e. witness) is He who has the witness in himself.

He who has the Son has life. He who has not the Son of God has not life.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Hail To The Chief

It is interesting that people who reject the absolute authority of a king always end up under the authority of a dictator.

The Puritans rejected – and beheaded – Charles 1st, yet ended up under the absolute dominion of Oliver Cromwell. His reign as Lord Protector was one of the few instances of a righteous tyranny.

The Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 saw the Russians do away with the Tsar, only to come under the rule of a succession of brutal tyrants.

The United States of America swapped the rule of the British Throne for their shiny new Republic – a beacon of democratic liberty. Yet where has this gotten them today? Since 9/11 a raft of legislation has put more power into the hands of the American President than at any time in history, making the office and person of President a virtual dictator.

Kingship has been shunned by the West increasingly over the past 150 years, yet people still are ruled over by one man or woman at the top. Of course, the world is not that simple and there are other hidden powers behind the nominal figureheads of state. But it is actually quite astonishing that the “enlightened” citizens of Western society, who would utterly discard the notion of being ruled over by a king, yet give their loyalty (and taxes!) to a president or prime minister.

This is the problem at the heart of our so-called Western civilization: we have rejected the Divine office of king and replaced it with our human notions of leadership. We have substituted democracy – the rule of the mob – for Theocracy – the rule of God through a godly monarch.

There is nothing wrong with the concept of the Divine Right of Kings; that is, when applied to the British Throne of David. What was wrong was that certain kings in our history abused this Right and thus brought dishonour upon their office. There are counter-balances in place to prevent this Divine Right becoming abused. God’s answer to kings whose heads get too big for their crowns has always been the careful, watchful eye of the saints. Many a dud monarch has been prayed off the Throne. And so it should be.

The simple truth is that man was made to be ruled over. This is not in question. What is in question is “”By whom?”

If man rejects the commandment of God, as Adam did in Eden, he will end up being ruled by a tyrant. As Adam did. If God’s instrument of dominion on planet earth is a Throne, not a democracy or a republic, then any people who reject that Throne are rebels against the will of God. This is America’s predicament today. She will never make republicanism and democracy work, nor can she. Most American Christians believe this anyway, since they believe in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which will not happen to usher in a democracy! There is no Opposition Party in God’s Kingdom!

And Jesus is King. Not President. He is not elected by man.

Democracy is foolish men electing other fools to be their masters. It is fools licensing fools to be fools. It cannot work and it never has. Decades and centuries of democracy have proved that when men are given the power to choose their rulers, society breaks down because the family breaks down. And the reason the family breaks down is because the haters of God end up in power and pass laws that directly contravene His law. When will the people of God learn that democratically-elected politicians will always legislate against God and His Word?

The problem is that democracy enshrines man. Democracy is the soil of dictatorship and tyranny. Democracy attracts the sort of person who lusts for power and this is the type of person least deserving of it. The political histories of Europe and America are replete with instances of corruption in the highest places. Democracy spawns corruption because it makes man his own god. It is satanic to the core. Interestingly, some of the biggest supporters of democracy are church leaders who would consider it extremely rebellious for anyone to challenge them for the leadership of their own churches!

This is the kind of hypocrisy that the Church has sadly shown to the world. Christians believe in a King and are part of a Kingdom, yet lend their misplaced and misguided support to a devilish system called democracy. Let me ask you, Christian brother and sister: if you wouldn’t put up with a wretch as your pastor, why put up with one as your President? Or your Senator or Congressman?

The answer to this by many Christians is that with democracy you get the chance to vote such people out of office. My answer is: why wait? PRAY THEM OUT TODAY!! As dominion saints of the Most High, we have the right to petition YHWH to remove the wicked from power and replace them with the godly. Yet here is the rub of it: if we are going to do this – and we certainly need to do it – why continue to prop up a system that is clearly failing? Democracy will continue to attract and spit out those who are unfit for office.

In certain parts of the world, convicted prisoners can vote. Can you believe that? A child molester has the same rights as a child of God. A murderer and a rapist can exercise the same authority as a pastor or an evangelist. This is democracy for you. God’s system is the rule of the godly. It always has been. Moses was God’s man. Korah was the people’s representative. What happened at election time?

And Moses said, Hereby ye shall know that YHWH  hath sent me to do all these works; for I have not done them of mine own mind.
If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then YHWH hath not sent me.
But if YHWH make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked YHWH.
And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them:
And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods.
They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation.
NUMBERS 16:28-33 KJV

Korah, the people’s choice, didn’t bite the dust so much as the dust bit him. Notice that it was YHWH who did the electing, not the people. Their choice i.e. those that followed Korah, was over-ruled!

You really need to read Numbers 16 and see that the essential argument of Korah was for democracy and power-sharing. Korah was a democrat to his core. He was a descendent of Kohath and thus came from a privileged Levite family. The Levites were, in addition to being the spiritual priests, also the civil servants of Israel. “Kohath” means to ally oneself with, to join in party with. Clearly Korah was a politician, a man who inveigled his way into the confidence of others and conned them into joining his faction. His swansong, which the New Testament labels rebellion, was that all the people were equal. Sound familiar?

An interesting thing about Korah is his name. It means “bald” but is derived from a word that means “ice” or “hail”. Could it be that the hymn of praise sung to American Presidents i.e. Hail To The Chief contains a warning about the rebellion of Korah? What is the symbol of America? It is, of course, the bald eagle. America’s rebellion against God’s anointed Throne has been well-documented in this book. Intriguingly, Korah was a favourite name used by Edomites, those who hide behind the eagle (see Obadiah v.4). Eagles are, in fact, historically a symbol of Edom.

The rebellion against the British Throne originally comprised of thirteen states, thirteen of course being the number of rebellion. America is nationally Manasseh, the thirteenth tribe. Interestingly, Manasseh means “causing to forget”. Tragically, America has forgotten the original destiny of the Mayflower Pilgrims, to settle in the New World and colonise it as loyal subjects of the Throne of David. America’s status as the great people of Manasseh, as promised by the patriarch Jacob, would in no way be diminished by being ruled over by the British Throne; in fact, it could be argued that America will be not truly great until she comes under the God-appointed instrument of dominion again.

On this point of Manasseh being a “great people” (see Genesis 48:19), it should be noted that Jacob’s promise was specifically that. The word “people” in Hebrew is am, which is very rarely translated “nation” in Scripture. This has to be pointed out since some British-Israel teachers use this verse in Genesis 48 to assert that the Bible prophesies Manasseh to be a “great nation”. Although I accept this can be inferred from Genesis 48, it should be noted that a people are distinct from a nation, in both English and Hebrew terminology. I would not be dogmatic and say that in Genesis 48:19, the term “nation” could not apply but there is a tendency among some, particularly American teachers of BI, to hype this up and somehow make the great nation of Manasseh greater than Ephraim. One only has to read the writings of certain American BI teachers to see that this is so. However, the Bible is unambiguous. Ephraim is greater than Manasseh.

A bigger leap of fancy is made concerning Genesis 35:11, where God promises Jacob that a nation and a company of nations shall come from him. Many American proponents of BI couple this with Genesis 48:19 and aver that this promise of a nation applies to America, whilst the company of nations is Great Britain. Whilst the prophecy of Jacob in Genesis 48 clearly applies to Ephraim-Britain and Manasseh-America, it is stretching things way too far to say that Genesis 35:11 concerns the same subject. The word for nation used in this verse is goy, which definitively means “nation”. For American BI teachers to claim that the “nation” of Genesis 35:11 refers to America shows the preponderance to make America always the first and foremost. This desire for prominence in all things is typically American and indicative of a constant drive to be the top dog.

Sadly, in this, America shows the very heart of her rebellious refusal to submit to David’s Throne in the earth. Her constant promulgation and projection of her elected President as leader of the nations is subversive to the appointed and anointed seat of true authority. And here we see that the Bible’s use of am in Genesis 48:19 is inspired. Although at present America is undoubtedly a great nation, her real “manifest destiny” is embracing her prophetic role as a great people.

This will take place when the self-promoting and self-appointed “Chief”, the President of the United States, becomes openly subject to the God-established and God-appointed monarch upon David’s Royal Throne, reversing the tragic act of rebellion taken in the 18th century. The people of America must again come under the authority of this Throne.

Excerpted from the book My Country Tis Of Thee by William McMurdo

The author has elected to use the Divine Name YHWH instead of the scribal tradition of covering it with adonai – “the LORD” in English.

Monday, 16 January 2012

The Coming Division

For those of us who hold the unity of our United Kingdom dear, and who recognise it exists by the sovereign purpose of Almighty God, the battle is now on us with the SNP’s declaration of an actual timeframe for their proposed Independence Referendum – the autumn of 2014.

This battle, between those loyal to the Union and those who favour an independent Scotland of some description, has the potential to deeply polarise Scottish society, as well as people in other parts of the UK and further afield. Friendships will go by the wayside, family loyalties will be ripped asunder and many will become bitterly entrenched in their positions. No other issue has the potential to divide us as a people; this is arguably the great matter of our times.

Many are caught up in the debate itself – the respective merits of staying in the UK or separating from it. The arguments politically, economically and socially swirl around us and this “perfect storm” of discussion will only increase in intensity as we get nearer the actual date of any Referendum. Yet there is a far more important issue that few, if any, are facing up to.

It is this: What will Scotland be like after the Referendum? It looks likely that the Referendum could produce a tight result, effectively dividing in two the Scottish people. Even a more convincing victory could potentially leave a large part of Scotland as the loser – and living in a country they do not want. You see, this Referendum isn’t about voting for a party in an election, something you get the opportunity to change every few years. This is a question which won’t be asked again for a generation.

Do we really believe that the losers in this Referendum will just passively accept the decision and not be consumed with bitterness and a sense of futility? That they won’t feel like slaves trapped in a country they despise? This applies to both sides. If the separatists win, will pro-Unionists want to stay in a Scotland that considers them traitors? If the Unionists triumph, will those who hate the Union just accept that’s the result and go about their business quietly, knowing their aspirations for “freedom” have been crushed for another forty years?

These are the questions I don’t think the selfish politicians want to face. What this Referendum will do to Scotland could easily have ramifications that will radically transform our society.

Recently Alex Salmond has tried to link Scotland’s quest for independence with the so-called Irish freedom struggle. Apart from the fact that he has just recently railroaded a law through the Scottish Parliament that effectively criminalises people who sing songs or chant in support of this freedom struggle, he has also shown crass ignorance of the fact that the “losers” in that struggle i.e. those who did not want Irish Home Rule, were persecuted and ethnically-cleansed from the Republic of Ireland. The big question is: Will a similar fate befall Unionists should Salmond win the Referendum and get Scottish Home Rule?

Another question is this: If the separatists lose, will the more extreme among them see a more militant option as a viable route to achieving their aspirations? Will there be violence?

I am a Unionist. I believe the Union to be of God. Our Throne is ordained of God. As a Scot, I believe Scotland’s destiny is to be part of the Union. I reject the “victim” mentality of Scottish nationalists. And I grieve for those who have bought the lie that “independence” is in the best interests of Scotland.

For years now I have preached what the late John McPhee said concerning our nation – that there was coming a time when God would divide mankind by the Throne of David i.e. our British Throne. Of course, many found this a bit preposterous. I was informed that mankind is divided by faith in Christ – between the saved and the lost. This is true but it is a division that takes place in eternity. There are divisions on earth that are of great interest to God. This is often ignored by supposedly well-meaning Christians.

John McPhee said there was coming a time when men and women would have to choose between the Throne of David as God’s instrument of government in the earth – and the Beast system of Babylon. This does not equate to a simple matter of Christian versus non-Christian as we know, because unfortunately, the Apostle John records that many of God’s people are found on the wrong side of that particular division (see Revelation 18:4)! Can you be a Spirit-filled, Bible-believing, tongue-talking Christian and yet be serving old Babylon? Evidently you can.

The coming Referendum is, I believe, the fulfilment of John Mcphee’s prophetic word if it actually goes ahead. This means that the deep divisions we will experience are actually of God. It is the Lord who is bringing this decision upon us, albeit He is using the machinations of politicians to accomplish His ends. No-one will escape this decision. Even people in other parts of the UK will be tested along these lines. What’s more, a passive, fairly ambivalent acceptance of our monarchy will not suffice. You are either for the Throne or against it; God Himself will brook no half measures in allegiance. Lukewarmness is repugnant to Him.

Remember that to be against the Throne of David is antichrist (see Psalm 2). I know some don’t like my bluntness – or is it sharpness? Either way, I don’t plan on quitting. The destiny of millions is in our hands with these matters. Pietistic theology has caused an entire generation to swallow the lie that matters of state are not the province or concern of the believer in Christ. Those who have truly heard from God know the very opposite is true. The gates of hell will not prevail against the ecclesia of God. When you understand that ecclesia means governmental, legislative assembly and not the place you go to sing songs and clap hands, you will be in position to hear what the Spirit is saying to the ecclesia.