Monday, 23 May 2011

United We Stand

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation
LUKE 11:17

The past few weeks have brought the concept of our United Kingdom to the forefront. Firstly, the SNP recorded a historic victory in the Scottish Parliament elections. The SNP have stated they want independence from the UK, although a closer inspection of their terms should not alarm any Unionist. They want to retain the Queen as Head of State. This would mean we are still a United Kingdom, if not united by a Westminster Parliament. The threat to the Union by the SNP is presently minimal since the trust of the electorate given to the party to run a devolved Scotland does not mean that the same electorate favour independence. Far from it if opinion polls are to be believed.

A more exciting development has taken place in Ireland where the recent visit of Her Majesty the Queen was met with warm enthusiasm by the Irish. The future of Ireland is being debated within the Emerald Isle. Closer ties with Britain, including an adoption of sterling as currency, is looking a very attractive option. Ireland could become part of the Commonwealth family and even part of the UK once more. This is the heart of God, I believe. Britain's Empire began to break up, not as some erroneously believe because of an abrogation of the Balfour Declaration, but from within after the Irish gained Home Rule. Imperial pride was our undoing and the loss of  Ireland was the catalyst of our Empire's disintegration.

Those of a British Israel understanding will be aware that the Celtic peoples of these Isles are, broadly speaking, Judahites and the Angles & Saxons are Ephraimites of the Northern House of Israel. Nationally, Scotland, Ireland and Wales are Celtic Judah and England is Anglo-Saxon Ephraim. Ephesians chapter 2 speaks of the two men becoming one - i.e. Circumcised Judah and Uncircumcised nations called by God Lo-Ammi (the invented word "Gentiles" used in the KJV and some other translations). In modern day terms these are the Celts and Anglo-Saxons. Please remember that the Judahites of Paul's acquaintance who lived in the Holy Land were only a small portion of Judah, the vast number being in dispersion and being identified by other names.

In short, Ephesians chapter 2 speaks of Judah and Ephraim becoming one by the cross. As this means Celts and Anglo-Saxons we can say in our day - Scots, Irish and Welsh being united with England. Historically, we became united as a United Kingdom by the Christian faith. It is only as we have lost our identity as a Christian nation that we have seen this unity come under threat. The cross unites us! The Gospel is what makes us a United Kingdom. We must never lose this.

We are now entering a time where God is dividing men by their allegiance to the British Throne - the Throne of David in our midst. Those who oppose this Throne are enemies of God's purpose. As John Mcphee prophesied, the testimony of God will be handed back to our Royal Throne by modern-day Covenanters. These are momentous times and exciting times. But God will make all men choose - the Throne of David or Babylon. It is, indeed, a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.