I have been watching two docuseries on BBC2, one on Britain’s maritime dominance in days of Empire – Empire Of The Seas – and the other a fascinating insight into Lawrence of Arabia and his relevance to British and American policy in present-day Iraq.
There is a link between the two series that contains a powerful lesson to our nation today. It is that pride comes before a fall. This spiritual law applies to nations as well as individuals. As Dan Snow powerfully brings forth in Empire Of The Seas, Britain was the sick man of Europe by the end of the seventeenth century. However, a few decades later, Britain was the dominant superpower on earth. As I point out in my latest book Why Britannia Must Rule The Waves, Britain’s glorious empire came about because of the direct intervention of Almighty God. It is God’s will that the British Royal Throne, as the direct extension of the Throne of David, be His instrument of world dominion and governance.
Yet the documentary on T.E. Lawrence highlighted a Britain drunk with imperial power, no longer confident in its authority but instead prideful in its hegemony, carving up the Middle East in deals done in smoky back rooms, betraying the Arabs who were our loyal allies. The history of the planet has been a woeful one since. Just as God delivered the ancient city of Jerusalem into British hands, so within a few years we had surrendered it to Zionist terrorists, whose ongoing persecution of their Arab neighbours has made the Middle East a seething cauldron of unrest and bloodshed.
Some ninety years later, our Empire has massively waned in strength. Britain’s influence on the world stage is due to our experience in manipulation and psyops more than brute military force. We are faced with the threat of “Muslim terror” which is actually one of the biggest psyops of all and is directed against our own people. The reality is that successive British governments continue to deal treacherously with the Arab world and that radicalized Islam is a construct of Western Intelligence services, playing on the (justified) suspicions of Muslims to foment hatred against the West. This is all done on behalf of the Zionist State of Israel who seek to use the puppet states of Britain and the US to aggressively pursue their interests in the Middle East. This, of course, means invading and bullying Islamic countries.
No wonder the glory has departed from us. We pimp for imposters and serve their interests, while our own God-ordained and God-blessed Empire has evaporated before our eyes.
I was struck with the difference between the grasping mindset that has seen both Britain and the US invade Iraq for oil, with the biblical mindset of Isaiah chapter 60, where peoples and leaders flock to Israel in the isles i.e. Britain, bringing their wealth as tribute voluntarily. This is because these people recognise the glory that is upon us. They acknowledge us as the true Zion, as distinct from the imposters using that name now.
It is evident that the glory is coming back to Britain. If pride caused it to leave, then humility will be the magnet that attracts it back. The first call for God’s people is not to pray for the nation but to humble ourselves (2 Chronicles 7:14). This doesn’t mean as a prelude to prayer; it means a lifestyle change. God hates duplicitous dealings. Again, not just by individuals but by nations. T.E. Lawrence discovered that covenants made between warriors are not honoured by politicians. The reason we are where we are today is that Britain became less of a kingdom in practice and more of a democracy. When politicians make the decisions, things go to dung.
In short, if you want to pray God’s will upon the earth, then pray for His Kingdom. And remember, there are no politicians in heaven. To pray the will of God on earth and really mean it is to pray for the end of the political process. This is why politics will never support Christianity – the two are the antithesis of each other. In God’s system, He does the electing, not man.